我的偶像歌手~Celine Dion
她的經典好歌'Power of Love'
會唱歌的Celine Dion,唱出了太多動聽的好歌,
想學Celine Dion的唱腔,還真需要天生有一付好嗓子..
Celine Dion的高音飆得[美輪美奐][登峰造極][完美無瑕]
Celine Dion - 'Power of Love'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HjTjVw6vLc (卡拉OK)
★The power of love
The whispers in the morning 在清晨的耳語
of lovers sleeping tight 愛人們在疲累中睡著
Are rolling by like thunder now 捲動好像閃電一樣
As I look in your eyes 當我望向你的眼睛我碰觸你的身體
I hold on to your body
And feel each move you make 及感受到每一寸你的動作
Your voice is warm and tender 你的聲音是溫暖又有耐心
A love that I could not forsake 一種愛我無法離開
Cause I'm your lady and you are my man 因為我是你的女人 及你是我的男人
Whenever you reach for me 無論何時你伸手向我
I'll do all that I can 我會做到所有我所能做的
Lost is how I'm feeling, lying in your arms 當我枕在你的臂膀之中覺得失落
When the world outside is too much to take 當世界在外面是太多東西可以選擇(指別的對象)
That all ends when I’m with you 因此當我跟你在一起所有就已經是終結
Then all ends when I'm with you 雖然這或許有數次
Even though there maybe times it seems I'm far away 雖然這或許有數次 這就像我走得很遠
But never wonder where I am (但)永不希望自己失落在某個地方
Cause I am always by your side 因為我永遠在站在你身邊
We're heading for something, 我們聆聽某些
Somewhere I've never been 某地我永不會去
Sometimes I am frightened 某時我會害怕
But I'm ready to learn about the power of love 但我已經準備好去學習 愛的力量
The sound of your heart beating made it clear suddenly 你的心跳的聲音 它突然地清晰起來
The feeling that I can't go on is light-years away ~ 那感覺我不能繼續下去 是光年過去(轉瞬